Local gardeners can once again sell their surplus homegrown vegetables
this summer at the old Coweta County Fairgrounds on Temple Avenue.
This year's sale will take place in the same location as in years past.
The market will open June 19 at 9 a.m. and will run throughout the
summer. Operating hours are noon-3 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, and 9
a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday.
Sellers are required to be residents of Coweta County and have grown
their own produce. There will be a $1 seller's fee per sell day to
cover market expenses. A market manager will be at the market during
operating hours to issue selling permits and furnish copies of the
rules and regulations.
Residents of Coweta County are invited to take advantage of the market's
fresh, homegrown vegetables.
Produce available opening day should include squash, green beans,
tomatoes, turnip greens, Irish potatoes, berries and a variety of other
items. For more information, contact the Coweta County Extension Office
at 770-254-2620.