Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Issue: Will same-sex marriage promote a more value-based society?

The following is a post concerning “gay marriage” on a veteran web site that I help in moderating,, in the political forum there.

Constitutional change? Gay marriage.

I was just thinking about the constitution.

Separation of church and state was intended to say that the government will not sponsor or create a state religion. During the days of the Articles of Confederation a few states required people to pay taxes which in part were used to sponsor a religion. The argument was why should a Congregationalist be required to pay for an Episcopalian minister’s salary. There was never the slightest thought of kicking God out of government. The president and other elected officials take their oath of office with a hand on the Bible. Congress and the Supreme Court start their sessions with a prayer, etc.

Equal rights in the Constitution. The Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced as a bill in Congress in 1923. It failed. There is no Equal Right Amendment. Courts have ruled that people should be treated equally as an ideal but it’s not necessarily the law. Think about it: I’m a white male, there are many more black males in the NBA than whites, thus could I file a law suite saying I’m being discriminated against? Could I file suit because they won’t let me be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader?

Depriving people of their right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That’s one that has always annoyed me because it’s not true in so very many cases. It’s also the rallying cry of most every drunk who was ever arrested.

I take great joy in riding a motorcycle without wearing a helmet but it’s against the law. Part of my pursuit of happiness is smoking cigarettes; however, if I go to the City Hall with a lit Marlboro, I get arrested.

I feel that my life, liberty and my pursuit of happiness, in part, depends on having a loaded firearm readily available in my own home. That too has recently become against the law (where I live).

If a couple consists of two people who are hard-wired (biologically) to be predisposed to desire a relationship with a member of the same sex, fine. Let it be recognized by the state as a civil union.

The whole idea of marriage, historically, was about who the parents of a child are and who is responsible for them until they reach the age of emancipation. Sure, there are plenty of kids up for adoption; however, for the most part, that is due to a breakdown in our society.

Will gay marriage promote a more traditional, a more value-based society or is it another step in the breakdown? Will gay marriage pave the road to legalization of bigamy, incest and adult-child marriage? Would those actions be covered by equal protection under the law?

That’s the post and I can’t state my own opinions any clearer or better than how the poster of this said.

John M. Romph

Fayetteville, Ga.

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