Wednesday, February 18, 2004 |
Nativity Episcopal schedules Ash Wednesday services The Episcopal Church of the Nativity in Fayetteville will offer three services for Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, all of which will include the imposition of ashes in addition to the Holy Eucharist. The services are open to the public. The 7 a.m. service will include Gregorian chant and incense, and will last 30 minutes or less to accommodate those on the way to work. The 5:30 p.m. Children and Family service is designed to be kid-friendly. The 7:30 p.m. service will include music by the St. Cecelia Adult Choir of Nativity. What is Ash Wednesday? The Rev. Bob Hudak, Nativitys rector, explains: Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the forty days preceding Easter. As early as the eighth century, Christians on this day received a cross of ashes on the forehead to remind them of their mortality. This mark echoes the sign of the cross made at Baptism. The ashes, which are made by burning palms saved from the previous years Palm Sunday, are a biblical symbol of mourning and penance. The Episcopal Church of the Nativity is at 130 Antioch Road in Fayetteville. For more information on the parish, call (770) 460-6390, email, or visit the web site at