Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Active-duty army officer disputes writer’s downbeat Iraq opinions

Re: Timothy J. Parker’s Iraq opinions.

I would like to be the first to point out to you that U.S. soldiers are in full-blown combat with al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq. You stated that Iraq has no ties to terrorism. I will kindly remind you that Abu Abbas, responsible for the 1985 hijacking of the cruise liner “Achille Lauro” and murder of Leon Klinghoffer, was apprehended in Iraq shortly after the Iraqi regime fell. Though Abbas is not affiliated with al Qaeda, his apprehension in Baghdad proves Iraq was a bastion for terrorists.

Al Qaeda training camps have also been located in Iraq as well as several al Qaeda members. I will remind you that Saddam Hussein used stockpiles of chemical weapons against Iranians and his own people in the past. He threatened to use chemical/biological weapons against U.S. troops in 1991. Do you honestly believe Saddam Hussein suddenly decided to become a good guy and give up his weapons? He would then open himself up to attack from all sides, especially Iranians who were just itching for payback.

Let me see: Saddam Hussein kicked out the United Nations weapons inspectors in 1998 after violating 14 U.N. resolutions. President Clinton subsequently retaliated with air strikes citing Iraq posed a threat to the U.S. and was concealing weapons of mass destruction. No one disputed this in 1998.

Mr. Parker, the United States deposed a brutal tyrant who killed millions of people. Oh yeah, don’t forget about his two wonderful sons who grabbed women off the streets and raped them, tortured Olympic athletes for not winning, and fed people to their personal collection of lions just for the fun of it.

These three people killed more people than Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic was removed from power because of human rights violations alone. Iraqis are now having elections and can speak their minds. They can now dissent like you without fear of repercussion.

Mr. Parker, the United States is under attack and has been for a very long time. We just never noticed until recently. I have had several friends shot down in Iraq, dying to protect your freedom to dissent. The reason we Americans are so hated is because we have these basic freedoms, religion, press, etc.

Mr. Parker, I am concerned that you are afraid of what the Islamic world will think of this move and that we will upset them. Let me just jog your memory; 1993 World Trade Center bombing (al Qaeda), 1996 Khobar Towers bombing (Iran), 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings (al Qaeda), 2000 U.S.S. Cole bombing (al Qaeda), 2001 World Trade Center/Pentagon/Pennsylvania (al Qaeda), 2003 Bali nightclub bombing (al Qaeda). It is blatantly obvious that the Islamic world is not concerned with what Western Civilization thinks.

There are two options, Mr. Parker, concerning war. They are the following: fight the enemy in his country, or fight the enemy on U.S. soil. Sending 150,000 troops as you suggest to Afghanistan to hunt for one man is a waste of time. Fighting multiple enemies in Iraq (Saudi, Syrian, and Iranian-funded al Qaeda operatives who are crossing the Iraqi border to meet us in battle) is much more desirable than slamming another plane into a building.

President Bush’s job is to protect you, Mr. Parker, and all Americans. He is doing that job with great success.

Capt. Matthew J. Barbour

1/159th AVN

Fort Bragg, N.C.

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