Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Maybe Bush knows why gas is so high

Each time I drive into a service station and buy gas at the inflated prices we are paying, I become irate. Our tax money is going to fight a war in one of the oil-richest countries in the world. Daily, someone’s son dies to help defend a country that hates Americans, and back home we are all being assaulted with paying through the nose for gas, just to drive to work, to the doctor, or to buy groceries.

My thoughts go to our president, and his oil-rich buddies back in Texas. Can it be that the people of the good old U.S.A. are helping to fund George Bush’s reelection by paying higher prices for gas?

Don’t try to fill me with all that bunk about cold weather and demand and supply. In the summer it’s the same thing about the time all of us try to get away for a week for vacation; all of a sudden the price of gas goes up.

I wrote in before about the fact that in Fayetteville, when one station goes up, they all do. Any other large company would be charged with price fixing; however, the oil people seem to be exempt from anyone daring to attempt to make this suggestion. We all just go along with higher prices, just like a lamb to the slaughter.

Now if we all complained, or marched to the capital, something might be done.

LeGay Saul

Fayette County, Ga.

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