Wednesday, January 7, 2004

‘Croc Hunter’ thoughts

I have again been amazed by the situations about which some people become so seriously annoyed. Today the news commentators have been outraged by the situation with Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter). He is being criticized for holding his month-old son, Bob, while feeding a 13-foot crocodile. His behavior has even been called child abuse by some.

It is amazing to think that just two months ago, Mr. Irwin and his wife could have chosen to abort this little one and few would have noticed. In fact, the odds are probably pretty good that the people that are complaining about Mr. Irwin’s current actions would also have fought for Mrs. Irwin’s “right” for an abortion.

Honestly, I probably would not have done what Steve Irwin did. However, I am not Steve Irwin! In my opinion, Bob is safer in the arms of his father near a crocodile than are many children in their own homes with parents who abuse drugs or alcohol or in the wombs of many women! We again have an example of the inconsistencies of the standards of many in our world.

Phillip Woods

Fayetteville, Ga.

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