The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I’d better keep this column handy


2003 flew by, didn’t it? It feels like I wrote last year’s New Year’s column just yesterday.

As I looked over the column and saw the list of things I hoped to accomplish this year, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t do more of what I had hoped. Especially because some of the things wouldn’t be that hard to do, like going bowling or roller skating. I mean, the bowling alley and the skating rink are both fairly close to my house. I can’t believe I couldn’t make a five-minute drive for either activity.

I did forget that I had put them on the list. So, the first New Year’s resolution this year is to print out this column and put it on the fridge. Then, after I accomplish one of my goals for the year, I can cross it off.

I did do some of the things I wanted to do, though. I read the new Harry Potter and the new Dark Tower book and in 2004 I’m fairly certain I will read the final two Dark Tower books, provided Stephen King stays on schedule and releases them on time. I did see Pearl Jam in Atlanta with my sister and it was one of the best concerts I had ever been to. I also saw R.E.M. in Italy with my wife and that concert was no slouch, either. I wrote that I wanted to work in my yard and get a garden going and I sort of did that. I did do a lot of clearing and a got a few things got planted.

One thing that I had on my list that surprised me was that I wrote that I wanted to try out for a play. I had completely forgotten about this, but I did try out for a play, two in fact, and I got parts in both of them. I thought that was really cool and I guess that makes up for not running a 5K or going skydiving.

There were lots of things I didn’t get to, though. I did not get back in to yoga and I did not make it to New Orleans, Savannah or Charleston. I did not get my play published. Heck, I didn’t even finish another draft of it. I also did not get my grandiose idea of a TheaterFest off the ground. I’d like to, though, and I’m still accepting ideas and help of any kind. The main idea is to have all the local theater groups, including high school drama departments and students, offer up a weekend of different plays and shows. I vow to make at least some movement on this this year.

The other things that I would like to accomplish this year are:

Go bowling and roller skating - and I’ll do it this time.

Get a book published - the first steps are already being taken.

Finish my play and get it produced, if not published.

Start playing soccer again.

Go to New Orleans.

Meet Bono (this is more possible this year than ever before).

Try out for another play (and hopefully get a part, too).

Ride my bike more often.

Go skiing.

Read more books.

Watch less TV.

Stay in touch better with friends and family.

The best part of making a list like this is knowing that there are lots of other cool things that are going to happen, things I couldn’t possibly plan on. For instance, who would have guessed that I would meet Wayne Newton over the summer or have a friend of the family get snowed out of Boston for three days and stay with us. The surprises are what really make the year and I think there will be lots of surprises in 2004. Here’s to hoping that most of them are good surprises and that everyone stays healthy and happy.

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