Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Dr. Cano is innocent, and Solicitor General Steve Harris knows it

As one of the “witnesses” which Solicitor General Steve Harris claims to have come forward against Dr. Cano, I highly object to his perversion of the events surrounding my contact with his office.

I called in when I first saw heard the news to defend Dr. Cano by trying to explain to a very callous and rude solicitor general that Dr. Cano also hugged me and kissed my hand when he greeted me. I explained to him that this is exactly why I went to Dr. Cano and why he was so well-liked by his patients.

He may have been old-fashioned in his ways, but that is what we liked about him. He was not like these new young cold, distant, and always-in-a-hurry doctors of today. He was a very compassionate and caring man, something Steve Harris and his office knew or cared to know anything about.

When my baby tried to come out early, Dr. Cano put me in the hospital and checked on me many times a day for over six weeks until my baby delivered. During this time I became very depressed and anxious about maybe losing my baby. Dr. Cano’s healing touch and caring words gave me the strength to go on. He would come and sit at my bedside holding my hand and listening to my crying spells even though he had a family waiting for him at home. What doctor do you know of would do this?

My husband and I witnessed how a simple hug and a comforting kiss on my hand like the old gentlemen of their day did, could be as strong as the best medicine. Despite all that this county did to destroy him, my husband and I will always know the truth about Dr. Cano. My daughter will learn about the great man who delivered her when she gets older.

This is what I told Steve Harris’ office the day I called and only recently found out that I was actually listed as one of the so-called 35 patients who came forward to accuse Dr. Cano of inappropriate touching! I heard he only called about two or three women to trial at the end and now I know why! What kind of absurdity is going on here in Steve Harris’ office? I only shudder to think what else is going on to other people targeted by Steve Harris.

Clara Randolph

Fayetteville, Ga.

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