Friday, December 12, 2003


Council gives nod to more townhomes

Maybe they were buoyed by the holiday season or perhaps they were trying to get things done before they lost City Councilman Harvey Melear for good, but whatever the reason the Fairburn City Council unanimously passed every proposal Monday night at their last meeting for 2003.

Fairburn roles out the awards

Fairburn officials showed their appreciation for the good work being done by fellow employees and fellow citizens Monday night.

Duncan park still has problems

If the walls could talk at Duncan Park, Fulton County may not like what they have to say.

Santa comes early to Iraqi schools with donation of books

Santa arrived early in the Middle Eas tthis year, bringing 50,000 surplus Fulton textbooks to Iraqi schools. The gifts were delivered ­ not by a jolly fat man in a sleigh ­ but instead by U.S.servicemen driving four, 40-foot cargo trucks filled with educational supplies.

Casino money could fund sewers

Fulton County District 2, At-Large Commissioner Robb Pitts is urging Georgia lawmakers and the leadership of the business community to seriously consider casino gambling as a key element in financingAtlanta’s sewer system.

Rates are on the rise

The Fulton County Board of Commissioners voted at its December 3 meeting to raise rates for Fultonwater and sewer customers by 5 percent effectiveJanuary 1, 2004.

County rejects city’s call for SPLOST vote

At last week’s Board of Commissioners meeting, six Commissioners voted for the third time not to allow a referendum for a special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) to be used to fund water and sewer projects.

Federal projects headed South Fulton’s way

Earlier this week,the final FY 2004 Appropriations bill was passed by the House of Representatives.  The final spending bill was a combination of separate spending bills for several Federal agencies including: Transportation-Treasury, Veterans Affairs-Housing and Urban Development (VA-HUD), Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-State, Interior, and Military Constructions bills. Included in the spending measure were several important projects requested by Congressman Scott for Clayton and South Fulton counties in the 13th Congressional District. 

Task force meeting Tuesday

A task force looking at alternatives to the Fulton County School System’s Majority to Minority program holds its first meeting December 16 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Teaching Museum South, 689 North Avenue, Hapeville.


Former Chief hoopster contributing at Clayton State

Former McIntosh basketball standout Stephen Cox is expected to add versatility to Clayton State College and University’s Laker basketball team this year.

White running well for Tenn. Tech

Losing senior tailback and team MVP Jason Ballard could have been a major concern next season for the Tennessee Tech football coaching staff, except for one not-so-minor detail: Derek White.