Wednesday, December 10, 2003

‘Peace’ tree may not be such a bad thing after all

Religion Columnist

The Avenue shopping center in Peachtree City has given us the Peace Tree this year rather than a Christmas tree. It seems that just another string of lights has gone out. Already we have learned that we should greet one another with “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.” Merchants want to be politically and economically correct these days.

Now, I, for one, have no problem with wishing folks a Merry Xmas. Know why? Because the “X” is the Greek letter pronounced “Chi.” Any fraternity brat knows that. You can Merry Xmas all around me all day long and I still will be hearing Merry Christmas.

If you and the whole world change the name of the Christmas Tree to the Peace Tree — an effort toward social civility — I will be reminded that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. And that tree — whichever tree it is — is a symbol to the Prince of Peace. Would I prefer they keep the name of the tree as Christmas? Right on! But, am I willing to let it get my guts in a wad? No sir!

Did not the angels announce, “Peace on the earth, good will to man?” Did not Isaiah long, long ago prophesy that the Christ would be named the Prince of Peace? Here’s the big one: would it not be entirely appropriate for Christ to be honored and celebrated by everyone declaring peace with one another?

Let’s declare peace in Iraq. Let the President and all his henchmen declare a state of peace for Iraq and then do everything possible to bring about peace. The declaration of “cessation of hostilities” apparently did very little except to provide a photo op. The peaceful thing should not be associated with the cowardly thing to do. I mean, who can call Jesus a coward knowing the brutality of crucifixion? The state of peace does mean the surrender of pride.

It seems the Peace Tree needs to be erected in many homes among family members. Do you realize how many sisters and brothers cannot all get together at Christmas or Peacemas because they can’t stand the sight of one another? Brothers and sisters, this Christmas, give peace a chance to work its love and joy in all your hearts. One of the best Christmas gifts you can give an estranged family member is to declare a state of peace and joy and love and even patience to exist between one another.

Give peace a chance among your friends. Rather than allowing your preferences and opinions to dominate relationships, declare peace.

If you were to research the word “peace” in the Old Testament, you would discover that it refers to a state of wholeness, well being, and a stability of relationships. So many people desperately need a state of peace in their hearts and minds. No one can give peace except Jesus Christ. He is the prince of peace. For some strange and dark reason, Christmas becomes a depressing time of the year for many people. But, if we would just allow the Prince of Peace to rule in our hearts, we’ll have a Merry, Merry Christmas.

What about you? Rather than adding points to your blood pressure and tying your emotions in a knot this Christmas, surrender and declare a state of peace. You can even put up your own Peace Tree.

John Hatcher is pastor of Outreach International Center, 1091 South Jeff Davis Drive, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215. 770-719-0303

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