Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Object to God? Try some other money

It appears that the Peachtree City Council has succumbed to Political Correctness, thus referring to what would otherwise be called a Christmas tree as a ”Peace Tree.”

This occurs at a time when our rights and Christian religion are under attack by the liberal element, in spite of the fact that the federal government has designated Christmas as a legal holiday. Yet there are those in the masses who have been brainwashed to refer to Christmas only as a “Happy Holiday.”

I spent 35 years up on Capitol Hill in D.C. where I had two cousins in the U.S. Senate, and, having worked in campaigns for Bob Dole, John Warner, and others, I intend to write to my Congressional acquaintances to remind them that this is a country of majority rule and that the majority of citizens are of religious faiths, and, as such, should be allowed to celebrate Christmas openly and to retain their traditional decorations.

The purveyors of “democracy” had better recheck their party history as well as the true meaning of democracy. It would be well for everyone to become acquainted with General Orders, Nov. 15, 1862, concerning the observance of the Sabbath Day in the Army and Navy as well as the first general order issued by Washington: “The general hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.”

I hope and pray that the liberal element will never occupy the White House; if they do, we can kiss good-bye the Christmas tree on the Ellipse in D.C. Until that time arrives, I am going to recommend that all the extreme liberals who hate God and country be paid in something other than in the currency and coinage of the U.S., which bears the motto “In God We Trust,” thus obviating the need to redesign our money. Perhaps this will change their ideology concerning Christmas.

John A. Burdick

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