Friday, November 21, 2003

Christian city gets a taste of the arts

Last Tuesday, an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra ensemble performed for a capacity crowd at Christian City.ÊThe inaugural "Evening with the Arts" opened with a vocal performance by ASO affiliate Reverend James Bell, III and his wife Martha Steed Bell of Peachtree Christian Church, accompanied by Herbert Buffington.ÊThe chamber music ensemble featured violinist, Lorenz Ottzen and Pat McFarland on a variety of woodwind instruments. “The musicians were overwhelmed by the warm reception they received at Christian City", said Quanda Rodriguez, Manager of Community Engagement and Partnerships.Ê"They enjoyed it so much and are looking forward to coming back again.”

The event was sponsored by the law firm of Arnall, Golden and Gregory, and the East Point Woman's Club along with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Partners in Performance Program.ÊThe ASO partnership enables the Christian City Home for Children as well as the senior adult community to enjoy cultural experiences that might not otherwise be accessible to them.ÊAccording the Robert L. Crutchfield, Christian City's President and CEO, “Through the Christian City Arts Alliance, we will be providing many life enriching experiences for our residents.ÊThese will include more high quality music and other performing arts, offerings from the High Museum, and a distinguished lecture series, to name a few.”