The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

So whatta you think about the vote?

So, what should we think about last Tuesday’s election?

Is it time to amend 1st Amendment?

Religion in the federal courts: Is our Thanksgiving holiday at risk?


Splitting circuit seems to have no supporters now

I wrote to all of you Oct. 31 about some apparent scheming to split up the Griffin Judicial Circuit and to make Fayette County into its own judicial district. My letter went to all legislators in the Griffin Circuit, judges, county commissioners, newspapers and radio stations.

Why no black faces in series?

As an African-American citizen of Fayette County, I was disappointed in two pieces in your Nov. 5, 2003 edition. I feel these two items are offensive to African Americans.

Let’s get a race tally in stories

I congratulate Lionel Spearman for exposing the omission of “white male” in the horrific PTC rape-torch case. His sensitivity is very understandable. Increasingly it appears a minority is automatically assumed to be the perpetrator of the crime.

Tennant loss: Who will confront mayor?

I believe Dan Tennant did a great job in responding to the half-truths of Steve Brown. I would have liked to see Dan get another opportunity to represent the people of Peachtree City but this was not in the cards. We need more people like him in public office to stand up to what was accurately termed by Dan as the “unemployed mayor.”

Tennant loss 1st step in removing dividers

Congratulations to Stuart Kourajian on his victory over Dan Tennant for Post 2 on the Peachtree City Council.

Poolman: Councilman must stand up for PTC citizens

First of all I wish to thank the thousands of people that came to the polls to cast a vote Nov. 4. I look forward to receiving your vote again at the Nov. 25 runoff election.

Rutherford has built-in conflict of interest if she wins

It took the Enron situation, for Fortune 500 industries to realize that hiring the consulting firms owned by their big 5 auditing firms was a conflict of interest. What is it going to take for Peachtree City to realize that we should not enter into known conflicts of interest on our City Council?

Behind that red ribbon celebrated in schools is a story

The last week of October again marked National Red Ribbon Week observances all over the U.S. Locally, many of you who have children in public schools again participated in the yearly ritual of promoting in your children the positive message of a drug-free lifestyle.

Let’s give Iraq to U.N. and get out before more are killed

Subject: Welcome to Dien Bien Phu.

Why is this doctor prosecuted?

Fayetteville citizens: Who will your courts prosecute next? A doctor who delivered 1100 babies? A doctor who performed an emergency c-section to save a 10-pound baby whose mom could not push him out? Will it be the president next?

Smoking ban makes sense for life in Fayette

I was somewhat surprised by the media statement that the Commissioners gave a cool reception to the proposed smoking ban in our county. However, I do not know how many of you may be smokers and how much politics and/or revenue enter into the equation but as a lowly taxpayer, I wish to add an additional two cents.

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