Friday, November 7, 2003

Open house showcases start-ups

The Fulton County Business Incubator (FCBI) will host its “Fall Open House” on Thursday, November 13, 2003, to showcase 14 start-up firms being nurtured toward independence in the marketplace.

The open house will be held 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Harriston Square Executive Park, 5534 Old National Highway, Building H, College Park. The event will feature tours of the offices where member businesses set up shop, networking opportunities with FCBI’s business development expert partners, and information about loans for start-up, expansion and renovation.

Officials will also launch “Homespun Business Campaign 2004,” which seeks to interest hopeful entrepreneurs in becoming FCBI members or “associate members.”

Created in 1997 by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, the FCBI provides eligible novice business owners with technical support; management, finance and administration training; and office space for up to two years. Graduates leave financially viable, independent and confident, ready to contribute fully to the Fulton County economy.

Current FCBI members are involved in areas such as professional recruitment, construction, energy computer technical services, web site development and hosting, and marketing. Two firms --- Integrated Communications Network, Inc. (2001-2002) and Deepfuse Internet and Media Services (2003-2004) --- were named to the prestigious Governor’s Mentor Protégé Program, which shows how to accelerate growth.

For more information about FCBI, call 404-836-7700, or go to