Friday, November 7, 2003

Palmetto millage remains the same

Special to The Citizen

Palmetto residents should soon be hearing from the tax man.

If you haven't added onto your house or seen an increase in your assessment in Palmetto, then you can expect to pay the same amount of property tax that you paid last year.

An increase in the city’s total real estate value from just over $53 million in 2002 to $71 million in 2003 required the Board of Tax Assessors to conduct a reassessment, said city administrator Bill Shell. Residential and commercial growth in the past year have combined to bring up the total value.

After the final public hearing on Monday night the Mayor and City Council of Palmetto set the new millage rate for property taxes in place at 4.50 mills, which is the same as last year's rate. An increase in the city's tax digest in the amount of $18.7 million due to re-assessments and growth in the area made the new rate necessary.

ÊÊÊÊ In addition an announcement was made to remind those present that City Hall would be closed Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28 in observance of Thanksgiving.