Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Why no ‘white male’ ID in PTC rape-torch story?

Re: Tips lead to solving PTC rape. I do have one observation; being a minority male I am sensitive to certain things. Further, being one of the guests at the hotel the night of the incident more so.

My question is simply why was no reference to the assailant being a white male made, because I am confident had he been a minority male a reference would have been.

I am only asking that you be more sensitive to these sorts of issues and make sure things are being done the same regardless of ethnicity. Because of the other similar media practices when no reference is given, human nature automatically assumes this too must be a minority male.

Example: In this particular incident I have already had to explain to some of my associates that the criminal was white since they assumed otherwise. In fact the initial statement of concern from one of them was that it must have been hurtful to know a minority (black) was capable of doing this.

I am not criticizing the article; it is excellent. Yet, words can never capture the experience.

The sole purpose of this note is a request for equitable treatment and coverage and uniform standards in the conveyance of information to the public.

Lionel Spearman

Spearman Enterprises

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