The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Clothes really do make the couple


Time is running out.

By the time this paper comes out, Sabine and I will have 10 days to come up with a unique, couple-themed Halloween costume for a party we have been invited to. So far, we have had no luck whatsoever. For every idea that crosses my mind, there are dozens of reasons to cancel them out.

Take Romeo and Juliet, for instance. Yes, it is romantic and it requires wearing clothes that you don’t typically wear. But no. I’m not wearing tights. And before you write in letters about me being sexist or insecure in my sexuality, I have worn tights for Shakespearean shows on more than one occasion. But I’m not going to be the guy at the party in tights. This also cancels out Robin Hood, Peter Pan and Herbert Hoover.

Speaking of Hoover, we’re not going as a reverse couple and going in drag. I don’t want to be the guy that someone at the party mistakenly hits on. It could also raise a whole host of questions that neither I nor the unfortunate drunk would want to answer.

Sonny and Cher is out because Sabine and I are the same height.

The list goes on and on because there is also another problem — the friends we are going with.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love them. They are probably our best friends down here, but they instantly beat us with a great costume idea that will be really hard to top. They are going as Larry and Althea Flynt. He is going in a wheelchair which he spray painted gold and she is really dolling it up. It’s funny and topical (Flynt did get a good number of votes in the recall election) and other than the wheelchair, the clothes can be found just about anywhere.

So, you see the conundrum: What are we going to go as that’s equally as funny? If we can’t think of anything, we'll be the lamest people there because we’ll be entering with them. I suppose we could keep the porno thing going and we could go as Hugh Hefner and a Playboy Bunny, but if I’m not going to wear tights, I certainly won’t wear a Playboy Bunny outift.

The pressure is mounting, though, and with each passing day more and more costumes seem too plain. I mean, forget about going as pirates or greasers or doctors and nurses. We need something special.

Please forward ideas to me at my e-mail address. If I choose your idea, I’ll find some way to reward you.

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