Friday, October 10, 2003

Palmetto wants wastewater facility replaced

A resolution to replace the current wastewater facility in Palmetto was adopted Monday evening at the City Council's regular monthly meeting. The current facility constructed in 1969 has "become obsolete" and "given rise to an emergency situation" Mayor Clark Boddie pointed out.

A moratorium placed on the city earlier this year in direct response to the growing inadequacy of its 600,000 gallon a day treatment plant threatens to cause an "environmental imbalance" in the community.

The new wastewater treatment plant which is scheduled to be operational in the next 24 to 28 months plans to increase the flow to 1 million gallons per day.

In addition, the City Council unanimously approved two more stop signs at the intersection of Bavarian and Alpine Way. The city was alerted to heavy traffic on these streets at an earlier meeting. After monitoring the intersection the city moved to change the corner from a two way to a four way stop.

Councilman Bill Burnham made his first appearance in several months at Monday's meeting after a prolonged illness. Several council members officially welcomed him back.

A mention of September's 150th celebration ended the meeting with special thanks going to City Administrator Bill Shell for coordinating the event.

"We wanted to get everyone in the city involved that we could." Shell said. "I think we all deserve a round of applause!"

Councilman Thomas Morrow added in reply, "I know I for one am looking forward to the 151st celebration."