Wednesday, October 8, 2003

Kedron homeowners united in opposition to current plan

As presented, the Kedron Village Shopping Center will become one of the largest retail centers in Peachtree City. Georgian Park is a "Village Collector Road" designed to provide access to the local residents and is not appropriate for use as a feeder to a retail development planned as a regional shopping center.

Georgian Park is the only access to our subdivisions and developments, and provides an outlet for approximately 1,700 citizens of Peachtree City. Furthermore, Regents Park serves as the only point of access to five subdivisions with over 500 residents.

The increased volume of traffic due to customers and deliver trucks at the intersection of Regents Park and Georgian Park will increase accidents and possibly impede emergency vehicles for those residents that live directly off Regents Park. This intersection of Georgian Park and Regents Park also provides our only golf cart and foot access to the existing grocery store and retail center.

In addition to increased traffic and the associated safety concerns, the increased crime, litter, pollution and other factors that degrade our quality of life are unacceptable. We find the traffic study conducted to support the development of the Kedron Village Shopping Center inadequate to instill confidence in our residents that this document provides a proper basis for planning.

Our residents have carefully analyzed the current plans and studies delivered to support the continued development of the Kedron Village Shopping Center. We have also examined city records dating back to 1993 when the original plans were submitted for the development of the site. Our research includes hundreds of pages of transcripts, memos, letters and other materials in the files of Peachtree City and we have reviewed all relative ordinances and laws of Peachtree City and the state of Georgia. We have also engaged the services of a respected attorney from outside Peachtree City in order to obtain an opinion free from any local bias.

Our files now contain what we believe to be a definitive history of the site and ample evidence to support our position that the "Big Box" ordinance applies to the further development of the Kedron Village Shopping Center.

Our committee delivered a comprehensive presentation accompanied by an extensive handout at a recent Planning Commission meeting describing our concerns and position. We have also met with the Peachtree City attorney to provide our legal arguments and documentation. Our information and position is clear and has been communicated to each [member of the planning commission and city council]. Please be totally informed prior to making any decisions regarding the Kedron Village Shopping Center.

Marc J. Norris

Peachtree City, Ga.

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