Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Top ten advantages of married life

Religion Columnist

Let me conclude my series on marriage by thanking everyone who took the time to call and send me a note indicating your appreciation for unique and positive perspectives related to marriage. Far too often all we hear and read are the "gloom and doom" aspects of marriage. Having been married for nearly 29 years, I believe long-term marriage has received a bum rap and needs an advocate. I know from personal experience that marriage has afforded me many more benefits than liabilities.

To close out this series, I want to list from my vantage the ten top advantages of married life over that of being single-who-wants-to-be-married or the formerly married (a la divorced).

Number 10 - You don't have to fret who will be your date this coming Friday night. Throw away the little black book because you have a standing date every Friday night and probably Saturday night if your pocketbook can afford it.

Number 9 - You have an immediate second opinion available so you can avoid making those stupid mistakes. Yes, indeed, two heads are better than one. And many of those times, you can have that second opinion without even asking for it. However, that's much better than looking stupid before all your friends and enemies.

Number 8 - The discomfort of loneliness is overcome. Even if you are the one to come home to an empty house, it becomes less empty just knowing your spouse will be coming home a little later. An efficiency apartment can be a big empty place when it's just you.

Number 7 - Sex is free. Even free of guilt.

Number 6 - You can show your behind to your spouse and she or he will still be able to see your best aspects and therefore keep you around. Show your behind to your employer or good friend; that will be the last time you show them anything. They will be out of your life.

Number 5 - You can have as many children as you can afford and want and be proud of them. Show them off to the world. You won't have to hide them off somewhere and pay someone secretly to care for them. Marriage validates children and children are a blessing to marriage.

Number 4 - You will have someone to hold your hand walking at the mall or in the park. I can remember it hurting so back as I saw couples holding hands knowing I did not have such to hold prior to marriage. Marriage is the antidote to loneliness in the crowded public places.

Number 3 - Marriage affords you to live with someone who will never grow old. When you marry her at 20 and you are 27, it seems she never grows old (only for the fact that you are growing older too). In fact, strangely, were it not for "Arthur," the aging process would be irrelevant to married couples (sex, romance, intimacy, conversation, handholding have no limits at any age).

Number 2 - Marriage means it's two against one in this matter of child rearing. And boy do you need the odds. The toughest job in America is that of a single parent raising children. I encourage husbands and wives to avoid single parenthood. Heal your marriage. Get help before blood starts to flow (perhaps literally).

Number 1 - Marriage is the very best place to understand and experience what Jesus Christ is all about. Truly in marriage husband and wife express and receive unconditional love and acceptance. The same thing Christ provides each of us. No matter our sin, our addiction, our perversions, Christ accepts us and works for a better you and me. That's what marriage does too. It works for a better you and me.

John Hatcher is pastor of

Outreach International Center

1091 South Jeff Davis Drive

Fayetteville, Georgia 30215


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