Wednesday,September 10, 2003

Focus on the important issues

Change your issues, please.

I could not care less what my neighbors think about gays, gay love, gay marriage, or gay clergy!

We live in a country that is running a $400 billion dollar trade deficit, a $450 billion dollar federal deficit, and a Social Security system that is actuarially unsound. We don't maintain our infrastructure or properly educate our kids. Our borders are wide open to the world's excess population. Our lawyers have become a predatory class who prey on business though the tort system. In short, this country is a damned mess.

With all these more important issues, why are we discussing gays? The gay marriage issue is about money. They want the same fringe benefits at work as you or I have, and the same treatment from the government. That seems reasonable to me.

If you got a gay minister (preacher, priest, rabbi, etc.) and don't like it, demand a new pastor or leave for a new church. Freedom of association is a basic American right. As for gay love, I think it's really gross and yucky. However, as a reasonable adult I believe in minding my own business, obeying the golden rule, and living and letting others live. I believe in right and wrong, but what gays do in private with other consenting adults is none of my business.

Granting these people the same rights as you or I enjoy is not going to lead to public sodomy, pedophilia, bestiality, or widespread incest. If it does I will happily help you stone the transgressors with stones until they are dead. Until then let's start discussing the real issues that we Americans must solve in order to protect our children's future.

Bill Gilmer

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