Wednesday,September 3, 2003

Stop backbiting, spendthrift ways

For Peachtree City Council members, past, present and future, I have two words for you: Grow up.

I am so tired of picking up The Citizen only to read another chapter in the "did too-did not" ongoing saga. When my children were young and acted this way I sent them to opposite sides of the house until they convinced me they could interact in a civilized manner.

If only we could do this with the City Council. Voting them out of office hasn't seemed to help. The "Outs" continue to bicker with the "Ins" infinitum and vice versa. If this energy was used to build up instead of tear down, Peachtree City could only benefit.

Now for Council member Annie McMenamin, I suggest you get out more and check on the community you represent. Not all of us are wealthy, and I'm sure the ones who are got there through hard work and, in many instances, are continuing to do so.

As for myself, I am retired, and I "spoil" myself by supplementing my Social Security with baby-sitting. I moved to Peachtree City because I loved the feeling of neighborhood, the beauty of the area and the safety. It is a financial stretch for me to live here, as I am sure it is for many Peachtree City residents.

For the reasons mentioned above and too many more to enumerate, people from a wide spectrum of the financial circle chose to make their homes here. When did it become a stigma to live the best life you can? As for those golf paths, either PTC residents have been remiss in calling to report their condition or they did not get the immediate service you say they demand. The times I have been on a golf cart with friends (this spoiled resident cannot afford one of her own) I found many of the paths to be in disrepair.

Mrs. McMenamin and all other Peachtree City officials, I feel I speak for a majority of the area residents when I say we do not mind paying for services rendered. What we do mind are arrogant, spendthrift, backbiting officials who spend more time fighting with each other than doing what is best for our city. To paraphrase a popular saying, "We put you there, and we can take you out."

One last thing, Peachtree City is rapidly changing from the city it was just a short time ago. If it continues to change in this manner, the reasons we all chose Peachtree City will be gone and so will many of your residents.

Cookie McClure

Peachtree City, Ga.

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