Wednesday,September 3, 2003

Why is Commissioner Dunn so defensive?

Grab the Kleenex for Dunn and commissioners' "cry-fest."

Oh, my goodness, Greg Dunn, get over it already. As a citizen of this county I sincerely sympathize with Sheriff Randall Johnson and his team at the department. Our sheriff is darned if he does and darned if he doesn't.

I read Sheriff Johnson's letter and did not see the "launch of a public relations assault on the County Commission." Perhaps it's a matter of "perception."

I am, however, troubled and disappointed that you became so defensive because the sheriff was honest enough to speak directly to the people he serves. He had nothing to hide, therefore he hid nothing. He was simply doing his job by checking with the Georgia Sheriff's Association; so what's the problem? Oh, that's right, you're mad because he didn't pick up the phone and call you directly.

I also found it troubling and terribly disrespectful that your Commissioner Frady had to stoop so low as to take a crack at Major Bruce Jordan. Some things require the sheriff's signature and it's not always necessary to use an administrative assistant to get it done.

I've lived in this county long enough to know that you'd have preferred dealing with the sheriff's department privately without the citizens of this county being aware of it. But it's really refreshing to see my sheriff putting it out there for the people first!

Barbie Dunn

(no relation to Greg Dunn)

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