Wednesday, August 27, 2003

School board fixes squeaky wheel; other areas ignored

Thank you to J. Frank Lynch. Your suggestion that 15 taxpayers (five each for elementary, middle and high school spending needs) be charged with reading the school board budget and looking for funding versus citizen needs is brilliant in its simplicity.

The problem is getting 15 busy parents willing to commit the time and effort to do it. Our community has the expertise in its citizens to do the job.

Forewarned is forearmed. However, like most things, until it is personally a problem for you, it does not warrant a priority.

The school board lets the citizens who are willing to fight for it identify the most critical areas to be reconsidered. It is less expensive to let the parents identify the problem than to take the money and manpower to correct problems that no one might even have noticed. This way only the areas that get complaints get looked at for correction.

When budgets get tight, don't take anything for granted.

Kathie Cheney

Peachtree City, Ga.

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