The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Fernbank wishes a happy birthday to Giants of the Mesozoic


It was between 248 and 65 million years ago that dinosuars like the Gigantosaurus or the Argentinosaurus walked the earth. It has been two years since the Giants of the Mesozoic exhibiton began at Fernbank Museum of Natural History. Saturday will be a birthday of sorts for the world's largest dinosaurs and everyone is invited.

The Giants of the Mesozoic exhibit includes both the gigantosaurus and the Aregentinosaurus, the largest meat eaters and plant eaters ever, respectively. Gigantosaurs were 47 feet long and weighed between 8-10 tons, while the Aregentino saur was 123 feet long and weighed over 100 tons. At Saturday's party, some people will get a special photo opportunity with the Gigantosaurus, an opportunity no one had when the dinosaur was roaming the earth.

Other family friendly activities taking place on Saturday include a dinosaur scavenger hunt, puppet shows of "Once Upon a Dinosaur," and a dinosaur puppet factory courtesy of The Center for Puppetry Arts, cupcakes, prizes for children in dinosaur costumes, dinosaur bumper stickers, a bithday hat making session and a chance to meet Fernbank's baby Triceratops.

The event is the thir part of a four part series of events for families scheduled for this year. Activities will run from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and are included with the price of admission to the museum. Admission is free for museum members, while admission for non-members is $12 for adults, $11 for students and seniors and $10 for children ages 12 and under. Phone 404-929-6300 or visit for more information.

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