Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Should Christians begrudge gays their right to happiness?

Sexual abuse in the Catholic church, the possible division of the Episcopal Church and the rapid corruption of many Protestant churches. Aren't these topics more relevant and cancerous to the Christian religion today than the personal choice of homosexuality?

Should Christians really be so riled about a personal choice? It does not affect every single Christian; indeed it probably makes some happier. Why should leaders of the churches judge so righteously the personal decisions of individuals in their massive flocks? Does not every Christian have the right to choose their lifestyle and to interpret the Bible and the word of God in a way that is most relevant and right to them?

If these homosexual Christians wish to live this lifestyle, than surely they are aware of the possible consequences. And isn't that really all that matters? What business is it of any other person if their decisions land them in some place other than the wholly Christian concept of Heaven?

Christ taught absolute tolerance in the face of his world's own bias. One sin (homosexuality and its implications) that makes a large part of society so happy can surely not be as bad as one sin that ruins the lives of many (such as murder or rape). While I do not personally condone homosexuality, I believe that a person has the right to do what makes them happy. It is individuals who will face judgment, not the entire Christian religion.

Dixie Eska-Thedra


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