Wednesday, August 20, 2003

No 1st grader should have to wait on busy PT Parkway

There is no reason a 6-year-old should have to walk by himself 0.3 mile to wait for a bus. Six-year olds should not be anywhere near Peachtree Parkway! I have an infant at home and I have to wake her up and put her in her car seat and drive my son to the top of the subdivision. I might as well drive him to school.

If you could just allow a bus to come into our subdivision and make one stop where all the kids could wait safely, my heart would feel more at ease. That way he is not waiting on busy Peachtree Parkway.

On the first day of school I met my son at the top of the subdivision and when the kids got off the bus they started walking down the street. A car pulled into the subdivision and almost hit one of the children.

Elementary children DO NOT need to wait on Peachtree Parkway. I could understand if my son was in middle school or high school but not first grade! You are putting my son in danger. I have a feeling nothing will be done until some poor child gets hit by a car and then it will be too late! What are you going to do about this? I want some answers!

Christine Smith

Peachtree City, Ga.

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