Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Gay theology is 'cancer' in the Body of Christ

Sad state of the modern Church: How far will Christians remove themselves from the traditional and Biblical teachings of faith?

What is happening in the world regarding social and moral issues of human sexuality and the bond of marriage has caused great turmoil among the people who hold fast to their sense of spirituality and morality. What has happened in the Catholic Church is happening in mainstream Protestant denominations as well.

I am deeply perplexed at the recent discussions and actions of mainstream denominations concerning the issue of homosexuality. I am amazed that homosexuality, a shameful vice ever abhorred by the Christian conscience, finds prominent apologists within the very Body of Christ.

Sacred scripture, tradition, and the teaching authority of the Church have condemned few sins more consistently or severely than sodomy. Homosexual "theology" is a new liberation theology that uses the praxis of the "lesbian/gay experience" to liberate man from the bonds of Christian morals. It is like an insidious cancer in the body. It is like a wolf devouring the flock while the shepherds sleep.

When is the last time a sermon has been preached in the churches about the sin of practiced homosexuality? It is time for all priests, ministers, rabbis and Sunday school teachers to speak out and condemn the pernicious doctrinal errors against morality that is being taught with impunity in some denominations, seminaries, as well as schools and universities across the country.

It is time to bring sanity and Christian ethics back in our sanctuaries and I personally intend to try whenever I preach or teach.

I guess I am just venting.

The Rev. Mr. Tom Zaworski

Fayetteville, Ga.

[The Rev. Zaworski is a pastoral assistant with Catholic Church of Saint Gabriel, Fayetteville.]

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