The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

First Lady's summer safety tips

This summer, First Lady Mary Perdue is emphasizing the issue of children's safety.

"Georgia's children will be spending a lot of time outdoors in the coming weeks, increasing their risk for injury," she said. "Parents can follow a few simple guidelines to ensure that their children stay safe, healthy, and happy this summer."

Try to avoid sun exposure during the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you are planning on being out in the sun, apply a sunscreen with an SPF greater than 15, 30 minutes before going out. Also, don't be fooled by those cloudy days. Children are still at risk for sunburn.

· Make sure that children are well hydrated. It is important for children to have periodic hydration during any activity, even if they do not feel thirsty.A good rule of thumb is 5 oz. of cold tap water each 20 minutes for a child weighing 80 lbs.

· During hot weather, dress children in light-colored and lightweight clothes made of absorbent material to facilitate the evaporation of sweat.This will help eliminate heat stress in children during outside activities.

· Make sure that your children are supervised at all times around the swimming pool. Install a fence of at least 4 feet high to help keep children away from the water, and make sure that there is proper rescue equipment (shepherd's hook and life preserver) near the pool.

· As we all know, mosquitoes in Georgia can be very bad. When purchasing bug repellant for your child make sure it contains no more than 10 percent DEET.This chemical is absorbed through the skin, and higher concentrations can cause harm to your child.

· Since many families will be hitting the road for vacations, it is important that children are buckled up, and in the proper car or booster seat.The back seat is the safest place for children; make sure to read your car's air-bag information before placing a child in the front seat.

· Make sure your child has the proper gear to go along with their bicycle, skateboard, or scooter. Children should wear a helmet at all times, along with other protective gear such as knee and elbow pads.Watch out for roads with heavy traffic patterns.

· When visiting playgrounds, make sure there are no moving parts where a child could get pinched or trapped. Also, make sure there is no exposed metal that could burn a child.

· When taking the boat out, make sure children have a life jacket on at all times. Check the life jacket to make sure it fits properly, and follow all instructions on the jacket. It is a good idea for adults to also wear a life jacket - not only is it for their own protection, but it also sets a good example for the children.

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