Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Memory Walk plans taking shape

Preparations are under way for the 2003 Southern Crescent Alzheimer's Memory Walk, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 11, in Peachtree City, rain or shine. The planning committee met recently to fine tune last year's program in hopes that it will be bigger and better than ever.

Why are so many retirees in financial trouble?

It seems like you can't pick up a newspaper or magazine without seeing an article about someone losing their retirement savings in the recent bear market. Ironically, most of the stories are about people who thought they were prepared to take the plunge, only to wake up in an ocean of financial trouble. Why is it that after one of the greatest runs in stock market history so many people have lost their grip on a secure retirement?

How diabetes patients can easily monitor blood sugar

Incidence of diabetes increases with each decade of life seniors most affected.

Exercise: Add years to your life, life to your years

The evidence is clear: a healthier and fitter lifestyle not to mention a younger attitude can delay, prevent or even reverse much of the physical decline normally associated with aging.

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