Wednesday, July 2, 2003 |
Bad cart
drivers? It's teens with their drivers licenses
From my experience, it is the teenagers (not all) with drivers licenses who drive too fast and dangerously. Just last week I was almost involved in a three-cart accident because two carts full of teenagers driving too close to each other came around a curve too fast. The lead cart saw me approaching the curve and he put on brakes, causing the cart following too closely to swerve out. If I had not stopped completely, all three of us would have collided. They saw me look at their cart number and they laughed and said, "Oh, she got our cart number." By the way, they never stopped. We should all get cart numbers and turn them in to the proper authorities. If my children were doing this, I would certainly want to be informed so that I, as a parent, could take proper action. Name withheld by request