Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Bandit was more than just a bump in the road

Gingercake Road has become a highway for through traffic in the past few years, but the people who live here have always, at least, been neighborly and friendly.

This morning I was out working on the mower getting ready to cut the yard. Our little dog came charging out with me to add some fertilizer as he does several times a day. I was in the driveway and Bandit was in the yard, but I wasn't watching close enough, I guess.

Bandit has never gone any more than 100 feet from his family and the house is 238 feet from the road. Less than five minutes after sticking my head under the tractor hood, I heard a thump. I looked up and there was Bandit struggling to the side of the road.

The car that hit him didn't even stop. Bandit was nothing but a bump in the road, I guess.

Well, whoever you are, I guess it's a good thing that Bandit was just a dog and not one of my grandchildren. Bandit died in my arms and was part of my family, but what do you care?

I hope you made it to wherever you were going in such a hurry and, by the way, the speed limit is 35. Maybe some day our constabulary will enforce it.

My wife, my seven kids, my 11 grandchildren and myself will sure miss Bandit.

John M. Romph


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