Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Library construction costs more than private homes

In response to D. Jones about the cost of the library expansion:

It is true that an average house can be built for around $100 per square foot. I also agree that $1.4 million is a LOT of money. I'm not defending that amount, because I don't know what an average commercial or public building costs per square foot, but a structure designed for public use has to meet much higher building codes than a private residence. Those standards can increase building costs very quickly.

For example, public fire safety calls for such things as heavier-duty electrical wiring and fixtures, fire-resistant drywall, an overhead sprinkler system, fire-resistant interior doors, and specially designed exterior doors for easy exodus. Proper planning can minimize or prevent fire tragedies in public gathering places.

Convenience calls for such items as several fixtures in each men's room and several fixtures in each ladies' room, adult- and child-height water fountains, and doorways and ramps to facilitate handicap access to all parts of the building. I'd be glad of those if I were in a wheelchair.

Technology calls for network cabling and specialty equipment in addition to old-fashioned telephone wiring. This is an added expense up front, but it is more economical than adding it later.

Esthetics calls for a smooth integration with the existing structure, as well as making it nice looking. We sure don't want to have to "watch our step" when passing from the old section to the new.

I'm sure there are a lot of other expenses too. Even so, I certainly hope the officials involved insist on the best price for everything, since it is our money that they are spending. Let's keep our eyes on them!

Mary Barranti

Peachtree City

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