Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Stop criticizing tennis center

I must admit, as [we are] a family of tennis players, the Peachtree City Tennis center was a major reason we chose to live here.

Shortly after moving in, we learned our mayor had issues with the tennis center's financing and costs. In times of fiscal downturn, it did not seem imprudent to look for cost savings in government.

If the development authority and the city government have ironed out a new agreement for running the amphitheater and tennis center, why are the financing issues not resolved? Why is the tennis center such target of opportunity for the mayor?

Though the tennis center is beautiful and well run, as would be expected in this community, it can hardly be described as a luxurious enclave used by a privileged few. The facility is public, and as such deserves public funding.

[Mayor Steve] Brown seems more concerned whether the decision to expand the center was based upon a public referendum or not. It seems to me there is more of a personal issue here. The fact that hundreds of families will be staying in our city hotels in May and August during nationally sanctioned tournaments, as well as national college competitions, certainly bring more revenue than the field house or the soccer fields. Why do they lack any financial scrutiny?

Whether Mr. Brown likes the tennis center or not, it is an asset in our community, and a financial obligation to our city government. If the current antagonism, and scorched earth politics continue, those running the center will seek other opportunities.

What I can say from experience is that a tennis center without an active and professional staff will become an expensive white elephant that we will all be paying for after Mr. Brown's term has ended.

Robert J. Halpern

Peachtree City

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