Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Time for you to decide: Who is this one named Jesus?

"And the darkness shall turn to dawning and the dawning to noonday bright and Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth, the kingdom of love and light and life."

The Apostle John stated in his New Testament letter some 20 centuries ago that "this is the world's last hour." According to the other New Testament writers, there will be people marrying and giving in marriage, there will be banquets and parties, people will be buying, selling, building, and it will be "business as usual" right up until the end comes when "the Lord shall return from heaven, taking fiery vengeance (the eternal flames of Gehenna) on those who do not wish to know God and who do not obey the Gospel" (the Good News).

Also, as far as the world scene goes, God has said, "I will send them strong delusion so that they will believe a lie with all their hearts and be forever damned for refusing to love the truth and let it save them."

You are "living a lie" when you think that all is well with you as you go about your daily routines and habitual practices without giving a thought to your immortal soul's destiny. It is the old saying that many are thinking, "Look how peaceful everything is," when in reality there is no true peace in our hearts or in the world.

When the good man Job had a revelation of who God really is and was asked by Him, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth and hung the world on nothing," after Job had lost almost all his family, possessions, health and after being tormented by some religious hypocrites, he said to God, "I am nothing. I am evil ... I am sorry for complaining about your dealing with me and denying your providence and right to rule the creation." Job's fortunes were restored many times over and he lived to a ripe old age because of the Lord's being true to Himself and His compassionate nature.

Also, in light of the New Testament, as J.I. Packer stated in his book, "Knowing God," "I renounce all future expectation from this world and this society because of my allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ."

When the prophet Isaiah had a vision of the only true and living God, he said that he was a constant sinner from his birth and is a filthy-mouthed, wicked liar who lives among filthy-mouthed, wicked liars and all his right-doing and right-standing with God are as filthy rags.

"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation," are the words of Scripture. In the New Testament, where our Lord Jesus Christ says that the New Agreement between God and man has been established and set in motion by "My shed blood" for the forgiveness of sins and applied to His people by the Holy Spirit in the New Birth, a reality since Christ rose from the dead nevermore to die again, and He now rules over all creation, being God Himself, the King of kings and Lord of lords, having conquered sin, Satan, death, the grave the world, the flesh, the devil and hell.

Salvation is not by keeping the ten commandments or by being good enough; it is simply a "look of faith" to the crucified and resurrected Lamb of God, Who has taken away the world's sins, which results in a change of heart, mind, will attitude and direction, and having a hatred for past sins and living a holy life.

In the book of Revelation, the Lord said that he will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there will be no more death, crying, pain, suffering, anguish, sorrow, hungering or thirsting, and no need of the sun, for the Lamb upon His throne will be the light of the New Jerusalem from above, and God's dwelling will be with men and among men. Heaven is a good cure for any pain, suffering, or inconvenience that we experience, whether spiritual, mental or physical, even though the Great Physician heals even in this present life.

As George Washington once said to his men before he crossed the Delaware on that fateful Christmas Eve night, "Get your butts on the boat!" So the Lord says, "Now is the day of salvation and now is the acceptable time." Turn to the Lord. Give your heart to Jesus Christ. Look to the Lord and live forever!

May God's love be with you!

Your friend,

Norman John Barlow


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