Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Gay rights advocates are intolerant of Boy Scouts

Scouts practice Golden Rule, but do gay rights activists?

[Jeff] Ellis in his letter to the editor concerning the Boys Scouts of America continues the unrelenting attack of the gay rights community on this outstanding organization. In particular he accuses the Boy Scouts of a lack of ethical standards, standards which he asserts are same for all persons regardless of sexual orientation. However, he forgets that ethical standards are rooted in a set of moral beliefs, and it is the moral beliefs of the Boy Scouts that are at the heart of the matter.

For years gay rights activists have coveted the program of the Boy Scouts for its ability to shape young boys' lives in a positive manner. They wish to participate in the program except for that one element in which they do not believe: The set of moral beliefs that guide all aspects of the program.

They wish to treat scouting like the menu at the local Burger King where you can "hold the pickle and hold the mayo" so that you can have it "your way."

Scouting is not a menu to be ordered from where you can discard the parts you don't like. Scouting is a complete package, which teaches that a set of strong moral beliefs is prerequisite to leading a life of meaning. Within that moral foundation, the Scouts reject immoral behavior of all kinds for its member and leaders. This is not simple a "legal right," but a more universal "right" as ordained by our creator.

As a Scout and Scout leader, I have never understood why the gay rights activists have fought so hard to become a part of the organization when they do not believe in the basic tenets of the organization.

They say that all they want is tolerance, when what they actually want is acceptance. The moral code of the Boy Scouts teaches tolerance of others that do not share their beliefs. The Boy Scouts do not attempt to force their moral interpretation onto the gay rights community; [Scouts] practice tolerance of those with whom they do not agree.

This is not enough for a gay rights community that is not satisfied with tolerance, but desperately yearns to force all others to actively accept their "lifestyle" and moral interpretation. In this case, it is not the Boy Scouts that do not practice the "golden rule," but instead it is Mr. Ellis and his supporters.

I hope that Mr. Ellis will begin to "do unto others as he would have them do unto him" by allowing the Boy Scouts to live their chosen "lifestyle" of service to "God and Country."

Steve Justice

Eagle Scout

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