Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Bible tells us to pray for our President

Religion Columnist

"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Timothy 2: 1,2).

What should the Christian's initiative and response be to George W. Bush, president of the United States? The Bible is fairly clear about the matter. And, until any Christian has fulfilled the Biblical admonition, he or she stands on thin ice when commencing with invective. Personally, I have not heard any of the dissenting voices against the President many of whom claim to be Christian offer a word of prayer for him nor encourage others to pray for him.

At no time have I heard Former President Jimmy Carter or U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy express any sort of thanksgiving for our President much less any encouragement to prayer for him. Remind you, now, I am just talking about what the Bible says they we should do.

The Bible clearly says that we Christians should offer entreaties for President Bush. The word entreaty refers to specific needs that the President may have. Have we prayed specifically for the President's and First Lady's two daughters? What must they be experiencing to see their Daddy burned in effigy in demonstrations around the world? How about the need of the President for wisdom? Should it not be concomitant upon the Christian Family of Faith to ask God to shower his wisdom on George Bush, especially during these momentous days?

The Bible says that we Christians should be praying for our President, having his face ever before us because this man shoulders the greatest burden of any man on the planet (save the monks and other intercessors whose prayers keep this earth turning on its axis). Many Christians question if it is politically correct to pray for the President. It may not be politically expedient, but it is Biblically and spiritually correct to pray for this man, George Bush.

The Bible clearly says petitions should be made on behalf of President George Bush. The Good Lord only knows how many petitions have been in circulation in recent months some calling for the impeachment of President Bush. As for me, I want to sign the petition that goes before the Almighty God, asking for his blessings and power to rest upon his servant, George Bush. We should be gathering in cottage prayer meetings, petitioning God that he would bestow his wealth of wisdom and courage on President Bush. Count me in favor of a petition declaring my love for our President.

The Bible also clearly says that we should be offering thanksgivings to God for our President. Personally, I am grateful that we have a man in the White House who has faith in something other than the political process and polling data. I am grateful that we have a President who has allowed the Good Lord to help him lick his problem with alcohol. I am thankful and not ashamed that I am thankful for George Bush.

Perhaps we should include in our weekly services a time of prayers and thanksgivings for the President without having to be politically correct and include every other two-bit office holder (even though no office holder considers it a two-bit job). Perhaps we need to get back to what the Bible says we should do for our President.

John Hatcher is pastor of

Outreach International Center

1091 South Jeff Davis Drive

Fayetteville, Georgia 30215


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