Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Cat lovers, unite for our own PTC park; how about people?

I guess the sounds I have been hearing lately is laughter. Yes, laughter from the other counties, and cities around us whenever they hear about our new dog park.

Has Looney Tunes actually taken over our local mayor's office? First we had Daffy Duck, now we have Elmer Fudd. I hate categorizing people, but in this case I will make an exception.

I feel terribly discriminated against in this matter. I know many cat lovers feel the same. We are now demanding a cat park for our special felines, so they can meet and socialize with their other brothers and sisters.

How pathetic is this situation? What is wrong with using our cart paths for dogs? Let the neighbors get together and walk their own dogs. Oh, yes, I forget, that would be responsible, and require the efforts of the dog owners.

I have a better suggestion. Let's spend this money on humans who make this money. Let's fix up our cart paths, our roads, our existing parks. What a lame idea, but it might work to benefit 100 percent of Peachtree City residents, instead of only one-third.

If we have so much extra money, and this would be a really great idea, let's create a park for toddlers and young people. One requirement, they cannot go to this park unless they are accompanied by their parents. The parents must participate with the children playing or they will be required to leave the park. Does this sound like assuming responsibility for your own children (pets)? The rewards are great. Some of my best memories are with my parents at parks when I was growing up.

Come on, people, it's time to wake up. No wonder foreign countries think we are spoiled. We are! But this dog park is a big blunder. Mark my words, the volunteers on this park will fade away, and the city will be required to use OUR tax money for the upkeep of this anvil.

Richard J. Fessel

Peachtree City

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