The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Fayette Writers Group marks first anniversary


If you have ever thought of writing the great American novel or if you simply believe the pen is mightier than the sword, you may want to drop by a meeting of the Fayette Writers Group.

The Fayette County Public Library has been hosting the Fayette Writers Group on most every Saturday morning for just over a year. The group started meeting in Februrary of 2002 and has given local writers a venue to share their material with others, get constructive criticism and also learn valuable skills and information from a variety of special guests. There were close to 20 members at last Saturday's meeting, ranging in ages from teenagers to seniors.

Some members are working on non-fiction books, while others are interested in writing screenplays and others share their poetry. The group is hoping to publish an anthology of its work soon. A number of the members of the group are published authors and can offer excellent advice to authors seeking their first published work.

Throughout the year, each member will most likely give a presentation or two about something they feel is important to share with their colleagues. Published authors may give a presentation on the pitfalls to avoid when seeking publication, while poets may give a presentation on dramatic reading and presentation. The topic at last week's meeting was writing dialogue and the group discussed finding and analyzing different styles in some of their favorite works.

After each week's presentation, the group members share their material and their thoughts on how to help each work become greater. The group has also had the benefit of meeting a panel of published authors in a seminar entitled "Why and How I Write," and will meet several more established and well-known authors in the coming year.

One woman, who was attending the meeting for the first time, summed up the need for a group like Fayette Writers Group by saying that "there are a lot of good writers out there, but not all good writers write readable copy." If you are interested in writing and would like to improve and help others improve, visit the Fayette Writers Group every Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon at the Fayette County Public Library.

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