Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Please, NAACP, boycott us

I couldn't help but laugh when the NAACP said if the Georgia flag was voted back in that they would boycott Georgia. Dear Lord, what a blessing!

The NCAA all-star game we could do without. Tyrone Brooks said Coke will leave Atlanta; OK, we still have Pepsi!

Now the question of the week. Mississippi kept their flag. Have you heard anything about a boycott? If so, it didn't work! Go down to Biloxi and do a head count; the casinos are full of people of the African-American race.

Let's hold on to our heritage, and if you don't like it, then try Boston; see if any of the school buses that were burned to prevent integration are still around. Try New York; they have a great history with race relations.

A Georgia radio station had a saying, "Welcome South, brother." I would add, If you don't like the heritage of the South, go back North, brother!

LeGay Saul


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