Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Helping you eat well in 2003

We made it to 2003, a new year of possibilities to dream, and new resolutions to make. If losing weight is on your list of resolutions, the key to success may be to make it "personal," as in "personal chef." As in someone who will come to your home and cook delicious, healthy and low-fat meals for you and your family.

A personal chef who will do all the menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking and packaging of dinners prepared just the way you like them. No bell peppers or garlic if that's what you don't like. Lots of onions if that's what you love. That's the "personal" in "personal chef."

Dinner's Ready!, a personal chef service in Fayetteville, can help you keep your resolution to lose weight and save you precious time. Chef Susan will meet with you to determine your dietary needs and discuss any food allergies or medical conditions that need to be considered. A cook date will be scheduled, and a menu is planned and approved based on the assessment.

On the cook day, Susan shops for the groceries so everything is fresh, and comes to your home with all the pots, pans and utensils needed to prepare your menu. She cooks and packages everything with detailed heating instructions, then cleans up, leaving only the wonderful aroma of home-cooked food and a refrigerator and/or freezer filled with delicious, healthy meals.

A personal chef can help you stick with your weight loss plan by not only preparing low-fat meals, but also offering portion control. In this "super size it" age, most of us have forgotten what constitutes a normal portion size.

Dinner's Ready! also offers Weight Watchers meals and can take your favorite recipes and make them low-fat. Imagine coming home to rosemary chicken with wild rice, peppered roast tenderloin and garlic mashed potatoes, or pan-roasted salmon with fruited couscous - all delicious, low-fat Weight Watchers meals.

Keeping your resolution to eat healthier and lose weight will never be easier.

Susan is a member of the American Personal Chef Association and can be contacted at 770-309-1634 or for more information. For more information on the American Personal Chef Association call 1-800-644-8389 or visit


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