Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Where does it say that Brown was elected king?

Below is a direct quote from the official web site of Peachtree City.

"The governing authority of Peachtree City is the City Council, consisting of five elected members. The mayor is elected to serve on a part-time basis and is elected to a term of four years. The remaining four council members also serve on a part-time basis and are elected to staggered terms of four years.

"While all five council members are elected at large, all must reside within Peachtree City. At their first meeting each calendar year the mayor pro tem is selected by the City Council. In their policy-making capacity, the City Council is authorized to perform the following functions."

As you will note there is no mention of the mayor as the head of or king of this entity. Since he has been in his position, all we ever see is his references to "I" or "Me."

The latest example is that "HE" is unsure of the proposed recreation commission, even though two of his trusted friends were members of the committee. This concern is professed without his even reading the proposal.

His questionable, if not unethical, association with the editor of this newspaper are very disturbing to many of us in the "community in exile." His latest fax being published as being from the officials of Peachtree City is an example. I seriously doubt this was discussed at a City Council meeting.

I implore you, as supporters, to reexamine your commitments. His constant attacks on anyone that may oppose his views is very disturbing as well as only self-serving.

Sonny Neff

Peachtree City


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