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Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Election day nightmare: 'Insufficient memory'

Me? Favor low tech over high?

Big Brother just wants to keep us safe, right?

How would feel if you knew that every move you made, every second of every day, could be tracked and recorded? More importantly, do you really understand the potential significance of this capability?

Holiday dinner and a movie . . .
Laugh Lines

As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us take part in the familial tradition of "visiting." Visiting, as I see it, is sitting around with people you have known longer than anyone in your life, but you have the least in common with. Maybe this isn't really true, but just feels that way when you travel vast distances, see each other so infrequently, then wind up talking about Aunt Myrtle's goiter problems.


A tale of lost trees, or let the chips fall in Tyrone

Well, we were all expecting it. The FBI and CIA had us on the orange alert. That was the highest alert status since the attack. And sure enough, it hit!

Coach says thanks for championship season

I would like to take a minute to thank everyone involved in the Fayette County Lady Tigers softball state championship season. Of course, the young ladies on the team did all the work and made the dream come true. They began practice in July with one goal in mind: To win a state championship. To their credit, they accomplished the feat.

Mayor, developers push for higher density, traffic

Fayette and especially Fayetteville citizens, now is the time to voice your concerns about the proposed "Pavilion South" or forever be adversely affected. It is not inevitable that developers always have their way. Remember, years ago, how Cigna's massive development was cancelled and Fayetteville's [council members] were removed!

2 local restaurants show courage in banning smoking

Is Kathy Cox's faith in our community misplaced? I hope the people of Peachtree City and Fayette County will do a better job of supporting Kathy Cox's faith in you in regards to local control in education as Georgia's newly elected Superintendent of Schools than you have shown over the past four years in regards to tobacco smoke.

Here's how Ark held '2 of each kind' in flood

Even though Mr. Duran wrote that he wanted to "clarify why creationism isn't a science," he did not provide one fact to disprove creationism. He did, however, deride my quoting "authority figures," although he himself quoted or referred to his own "authority figures": Darwin, Einstein, Mendel, Cantor, Cohen, and others in his letters.

Duran is voice of reason in creation debate

I want to think Peter Duran for being a voice of reason in a sea of nonsense. Unfortunately, logic, reason, and evidence just seems to escape those who only want to believe.

Christianity, science not necessarily in opposition

As a Christian, I would just like to say that one needs not be a "Creationist" to be a Christian. It is entirely possible to hold as true that God created the universe and everything in it, while at the same time acknowledging the probable truth of scientific theories on the age and development of the universe

How can you reconcile these 'myths' of evolution theory?

Can you tell one myth from another?

Zerpsed displays ignorance of most Southerners' history

Trebor Zerpsed, after reading your article on the above subject matter, I came to the following conclusions: You are not from the South with a name like Trebor Zerpsed, and trying to decide where you came up with "Southern understanding" you write about, I wanted to know where you came from originally.

Fayette real estate agents top the list in helping children

The zip codes 30205, 30214, 30215, 30269, and 30290 just happen to have the best real estate agents in the state of Georgia.

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