Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Chambliss understands what terror war will require of U.S.

Representative Saxby Chambliss has written a thoughtful and scholarly editorial column in the Washington Times of July 29 that indicates he understands what is needed in these difficult times to enhance our response to extremist attacks.

As chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security of the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence, Chambliss states that our intelligence community "recognized the urgency of the terror threat, but failed to build the capability to get at the plans and intentions of the Sept. 11 terrorists." In addition, the FBI lacked a proactive commitment to preventing terrorism.

Nevertheless, Chambliss deftly cites ill-advised down-sizing of our security efforts after the Cold War, as a cause for our lack of foresight.

Chambliss also correctly takes all agencies to task for not having an adequate numbers of interpreters and translators available in languages of concern. Under the Homeland Security umbrella, however, it might be possible to have a pool of such persons who could be pressed into service on an ad hoc basis to work with whatever agency has the highest current priority.

In a follow-up statement, Rep. Chambliss expresses his support for "hire and fire authority" requested by the president.

Regardless, Chambliss appears to be the candidate with the requisite background to serve Georgia in the U.S. Senate.

William Fielder

Peachtree City

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