Wednesday, September 25, 2002

F'ville annexation plan: Few positive aspects, many negative

Like many of my neighbors have, I too chose to move to Fayetteville for its uniqueness. The "country" feel of this town along with its favorable schools and lower crime rates are important things that have attracted people here.

I feel (as I know many others do too) that what is proposed currently will almost certainly upset this balance and take away what already makes Fayetteville a wonderful place to live.

I don't see any positive impact that all of these [annexation] proposals would make. Our roads are already overcrowded as well as our schools.

I think that in order to reach some sort of solution, this Master Plan needs to be modified in order for it to work. It is very overwhelming and would bring too drastic a change to our southside. I realize that some changes are inevitable; however, I believe that a reasonable compromise could be reached that would satisfy all parties concerned.

The loss of trees alone would make an impact on the environment as well. Not only do these trees shelter animals, but they also help clean our air and for some of us they provide us with a sound barrier from the already overly crowded roads. These trees would be lost forever, not for better.

Fayetteville's slogan is "a history with a future." If the current plan is the future, then Fayetteville (as we know and love it) will be history.

Kenneth E. Schnaible


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