Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Let churches care for poor; don't use our county taxes

I am a church member; I believe in charitable efforts to help the needy, when possible. We give to these programs at our church as others do at theirs.

At this time the liberal politicians have allowed certain companies to take money from us to pay people's phone bills in the southern rural states, which includes the immigrants who come here and can't afford one.

Now they are going to take out money to help pay for people's gas bills. This is like holding a smoking gun to our heads, and taking it from us.

I resent the hell out of it. I resent [Fayette County] Commissioner [Linda] Wells for trying to take our tax money to give to these people. People give to these type things when they can; they will just have to exist on what they get.

Every time our law enforcement people need a raise, you don't have the money; you're already arguing about the cost of the helicopter and its upkeep. This money can be better used.

God's word says, "You will always have the poor among you." We are doing what we can. Keep taking our money the way you do, and you will have more of these type programs than you will like.

James Howell


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