Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Yea for Hootie and Augusta

I am insulted by the unadulterated arrogance of national Council of Women's Organization chairwoman, Martha Burk and her namby-pamby behavior concerning Augusta National Golf Club. This nation was founded on freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble and, unfortunately for Ms. Burk, the freedom to form a private club with the right to decide who will and who will not be allowed to join.

Congratulations to Augusta National chairman, "Hootie" Johnson, and his firm stand on maintaining the status quo and adhering to the rules of the private club. He is one of the few males left in America who acts like a real man and one who believes in freedom.

I have an idea that might work out the problem for Mr. Johnson. Simply give a membership to one poor, homeless, disabled, environmentally conscious, non-English-speaking, illegal alien lesbian atheist single-parent female vegetarian. That would take care of most every possible group that could ever charge Augusta National with discrimination.

I wonder how many men are members of Ms. Burk's organization? Ms. Burk should try to find a cause that would actually better someone's life. Her actions are disgraceful and very un-American.

Kevin Arnold


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