Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Brown wrong to criticize Mayor pro tem McMenamin

Mayor Brown, I have, until now, kept my opinions to myself, but your latest diatribe in Wednesday's Citizen has forced me to stand up and be counted. Succinctly put, you not only owe Ms. Annie McMenamin an apology, you owe one to every citizen in this town who, after careful consideration, chose to seat her on the City Council.

How dare you so vehemently besmirch the character of a woman who has proven herself, over the years, to be a careful and conscientious custodian of this town?

And while you're at it, you need to apologize to Carol Fritz, Gary Rower and former Mayor Bob Lenox, who I am assuming are part of what you so viciously called the "government in exile." They, as well as Annie, in their various capacities, have always had the best interest of all of Peachtree City at heart.

You, on the other hand, seem to be interested only in what interests you and, through your so willing mouthpiece, whine about anyone who disagrees. You, Mayor Brown, are mayor of all of the people, not just a small part of the town start acting like it.

I, too have a young child. When I get in a scheduling bind, I ask a friend to help. You are so fond of pointing to your many friends in your letters; couldn't one of them have helped you out during the LOST meeting or when you daughter needed to get to her golf lesson? We all sometimes find ourselves in a bind when it comes to juggling our children and our careers, but most of us don't have a city staff to fall back on.

And one more thing, I find it very cloying that you constantly drag out bible verses to show us that "kinder gentler" side. I, too, can quote from the scriptures but I prefer to allow my actions to speak for my faith.

Please start acting like a mayor to all of the citizens of this town, and maybe, just maybe, we can call off the watchdogs and I can go back to keeping my opinions to myself. And in the meantime, hang in there, Annie!

Barbara Curasi

Peachtree City

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