Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Brown doing right thing on Golfview, PTC tennis center

I would like to address three issues: The attempted arrest of the mayor, Golfview Drive situation, and the Development Authority.

First, Mr. Lenox, are you that bored of your millions of dollars that you have nothing better to do with your time? Do you not realize that if you were up to get reelected, the people of Peachtree City would not have voted for you?

Most of the people I talk to think that Steve Brown is doing a good job. Most people think that he has the interest of the people who live in the city.

Mr. Lenox, over time people did not feel that way about you. Please, Bob, go spend your millions and have fun with someone else. Let the man govern the city who truly cares about the people. Thanks, Steve, for doing a good job. You truly have your hands full with people like Bob Lenox not willing to let you lead the city during these trying times.

Second, I drove around Golfview Drive to check what the fuss is all about. I think the stop signs and speed humps was the only alternative for Golfview Drive. In time the flags will go away, but the people who live there will feel much safer because of these drastic measures that were needed. I support you folks on Golfview Drive. Keep fighting.

Once again, Steve Brown attempted to do the right thing based on a tough decision. Was the decision unpopular by many people? Yes, but was it the right decision based on the safety of the folks who live on the street? Absolutely, the answer is yes.

Third, the Development Authority. It might be costing the city thousands of dollars to fix the situation, but you are doing the right thing. The money from the hotel tax should go towards other things in the city. The tennis center needs to reduce its overhead and become profitable.

This is just another example of Steve Brown trying to do the right thing.

Let me give you a piece of advice, Steve. Do not feel that you have to write a letter to the editor justifying your lapse in judgment. Most people know that you are a good person managing a tough situation.

John Seiler

Peachtree City

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