Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Latest news of ex-Mayor Lenox is embarrassing

I find myself ever so slightly embarrassed.

Embarrassing me is a very difficult task. It seems as though every week the ex-mayor [Bob Lenox] has a new accusation against the new mayor. The latest situation gave me cause to wonder where is it all going to end. My biggest fear is Channel 2 News creating a tempest in a teapot.

Apparently the lessons we learned in kindergarten didn't stick. Let's go over them again:

1. Wait your turn. (Even when you think you can do a better job.)

2. Keep your opinion to yourself. (Even when you know you have all the answers.)

3. The importance of being a good sport. (Remaining calm while under attack.)

For being a good sport the new mayor goes to the head of the class, while the ex-mayor has the privilege of sitting in the little chair with his nose in the corner. Well, this is one black woman's opinion.

Joyce Horace


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